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Health Policies and Frequently Asked Questions

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Due to the constantly evolving mandates and policies regarding illnesses, we have created this page on our website to inform you of what these policies look like. Please work with us to ensure a healthy and safe school experience for staff and children.


​Please email the office if your child will be missing school due to an illness.

As for how we will be enforcing and protecting your children at school, these are the policies currently in place:

-Any child feeling ill will be sent home


-If your child is under the care of a doctor for an illness or injury, the doctor must send a note with the student


-A child must be fever, symptom, stomach issue free for 24 hours without the aide of medicine


-We will be cleaning and disinfecting high touch objects throughout the day, and a more rigorous cleaning at the end of each day


-We are big on hand hygiene and the importance of covering coughs or sneezes, please also work with your children at home





  1. Are you faith based?  Yes, we are. We are located at a shared property with a Church, the older children will attend Chapel when preparing for our Christmas Concert to learn songs to celebrate Jesus's Birthday. They will also attend Chapel to learn songs they will perform for their Graduation Ceremony from our program. We learn a moral compass here and give a basic introduction to Jesus. We pride ourselves on our compassionate teaching and welcoming environment.

  2. What's your student to teacher ratio? Great question! We keep our ratios lower than most preschools because we value our relationships with each child. We run a ratio of 1 Lead Teacher to 12 students and have qualified Teacher Assistants for every class.

  3. Are your teacher's qualified, up to date on first aide, background checked, is the facility licensed?  Yes, yes, yes and YES! Our Teacher's and Teacher Assistant's qualifications range from qualified with Early Childhood Education Units from College Course Completion, to Qualified Elementary Teaching Credentials, to Director and Management Courses and more. Many of our staff are choosing to continue their educational pathways because early childhood studies and strategies are ever changing. We keep updated on our Infant, Child, and Adult CPR certifications every 2 years, this includes EPI Pen training and use, as well as First Aide and AED use. We are also Mandated Reporters and are background checked through the Department of Justice and FBI databases with Licensing before we are eligible to work in a Licensed center. We are overseen by Licensing, we have annual surprise visits, of which we just had our most recent inspection December of 2024.

  4. Do you have security on property? We have Ring. When your babies are on campus, they are our babies and we treat them as such. We make sure the front doors are locked when they are on campus and we have our Ring Cameras linked to our phones so we can monitor areas around the school just in case there's a need. We currently have 5 Ring Camera's around the perimeter of the property and our good buddies at CHP and GPD will regularly come and take lunch or short breaks in our parking lot, which the kids love.

  5. How do you handle discipline? We use a variety of ways and we try to find a path that works for each child individually. Things like gentle redirection, sit and chat, positive reinforcement, etc. These kiddo's are young and they are still learning, so it's helpful to find the avenue that each individual child understands. 

  6. How does your program differ from public TK? Great question and one that is tough to answer, but also one that really does set the tone for our program. Our class sizes are small as mentioned before, each class is capped at 12 students so there's plenty of one on one time with each student. We also cater our curriculum to meet each student where they are at both academically and with how they learn as individuals. We don't have requirements that they have to meet, we have the flexibility to expand on the children's interests and levels to encompass the growth of the whole child. We don't use a one size fits all approach, we base our approach not only on our educational backgrounds, years of experience as early educators, we utilize our environment and our relationships with each child and their family.

  7. It's June, why am I getting charged already when school doesn't start until August? That's an excellent question, thanks for asking! We pay on a 12 month schedule at Vineyard in order to keep our monthly fees as low and as manageable as possible for as many children as possible in our community. We pay from June until May, to help make the monthly cost more reasonable, the yearly overall amount is the same.

  8. Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend your preschool? Yes. We operate a Licensed facility which means that we must report requirements to the state. Information for requirements can be found here:

  9. We do a delayed schedule of vaccination, can we still enroll? Yes. You will be required to submit a note that will be verified, from your child's pediatrician that sets up their vaccination schedule. You will be asked to submit each vaccination as it is due according to the doctor's directive.

  10. We enrolled in March and plan to Pay In Full for the year, when is that amount due? Great question! The Pay In Full Amount is due in May.



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